I shit post on linked in. It is the most fucked up so isl media of all and our corporate world is bringing all down. We all should be shit posting on linked in. Besides their algorithms mean nothing you post gets seen unless you pay. You better make your messages clear as hell or you will get no where.

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I used to shitpost on Twitter non-stop. From about 2009 to 2017 I had a bad habit. About that time I kinda realised that I had been building a self-reinforcing behaviour that was completely toxic. From 2018-2020 I gradually decreased my posting and time on by 2022 I had completely stopped. Last year I completely nuked my account. When Threads popped up I started shit posting some truly deranged stuff. Then they started serving Threads up on Insta and FB. Nuked my account, see ya Zuck. I post about once a year on FB and only retain it because a) it has that network mass b) it has messenger to keep in touch with people c) love a good marketplace find. I tried Mastodon. Got pretty sick of the holier than thou vibe pretty quick. I post semi regularly on Insta, which fits as an older millennial and I use it extensively for my writers group. I set up a Substack. Posted twice. Sent out some Notes. Got dismayed by the Nazi problem.

Which is all a very long way of saying that I don’t post much any more. I have spent my time doing much more productive — in terms of time, but also in terms of fulfilment — pursuits. Like writing for Webworm. Setting up a writers group that meets IRL. Actually writing, not posting. Social interaction that isn’t moderated by a phone screen.

For me, posting is dead. Sometimes my Twitter-addled brain will think of a killer tweet which I just know would have gotten at least 7 ❤️s circa 2013. Now I either write it down in a physical notebook to expound about somewhere else or message it to one of my friends/chatgroups. Same effect as shouting into the digital wind on a platform but without the downside of being part of a system which is truly horrible.

Anyway, I’m off to throw batteries into the ocean 👋

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